Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Friend in Need (Season 4 Episode 14)

Padme and Ahsoka go to a meeting with the Sepratists along with two other senators at Mandalore where Lux Bonteri comes in and speaks up against Dooku. The Commando droids take him to the Seperatist ship to speak with Dooku. He tells the droids to kill Lux and Ahsoka gets there right in time to save his life. He and Ahsoka run to the Republic ship and quickly get off the planet. They were going to head to Coruscant but Lux had other plans. He elecrocutes Ahsoka and flys the ship to a snow covered planet to meet up with the Death Watch. Ahsoka, playing the role as Lux betrothed, goes with him and the Death Watch to their camp so that Lux can meet up with Pre Viszla to give him Dooku's destination so that he can have justice for his mothers murder. Ahsoka meets a few girls who were kidnapped from their village close to the Mandalorian camp and helps them with their slave work. Later, the Cheif of the village threatens the Death watch for them to return the kidnapped slaves. They bring them but then they begin to slaughter everyone in the village and burns it down to the ground. Ahsoka intervenes but the Death watch capture her and take her back to camp. Lux tries to convince Pre Viszla not to kill her but he refuses. Before he has a chance to stab her, R2 distracts them and gives her the lightsabers he had hidden. She and Viszla duel while Lux prepares a speeder. They quickly leave the village and are chased by a couple of Mandalorians. Ahsoka gets rid of them and they escape to their ship. Lux activates an escape pod and tells Ahsoka goodbye and promises her that they will meet again someday.      

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